Taking A Closer Look At The Rise Of Refrigerated Trailers In Here The United States And All Around The World

Here in the United States, the use of new reefer trailers for sale has become quite prominent, to say the least. At the current date, in fact, there are estimated to be as many as half of a million reefer trailers in use all throughout this one country alone. In addition to this, the data that has been gathered on the subject shows that the January of 2018 saw as many as 40,000 new reefer trailers for sale and even used reefer trailers for sale sold throughout the United States, marking a more than 250% increase in sales of new reefer trailers for sale and the like from the January of the previous year, the January of 2017.
But new reefer trailers for sale are far from popular only in the United States alone. In fact, this could not be further from the case, as, in the less than ten year span between the years of 2016 and 2022, the CAGR from new reefer trailers for sale and used trailer refrigeration units for sale is likely reach nearly 5%. And by the time that we do actually reach that year of 2022, the global market value for refrigerated trailers is anticipated to exceed a value of $7,600 – and is likely to keep growing and growing from there in the years that are to come.
But why is this the case? Why have new reefer trailers for sale and used reefer trailers for sale alike become so vital not only here in the United States but in so many other places all around the world? For one thing, the demand for such products as used and new reefer trailers for sale has risen considerably with the rise of e-commerce all throughout the globe. For while new reefer trailers for sale and the like have long been used for the transport of food such in situations where food needs to be transported to grocery stores and the like, food transported to individual homes has become more popular than ever.
Ordering food through online platforms, after all, has proven to be hugely convenient for many families and even single people here in the United States. For those who are busy and constantly on the go, finding the time to go grocery shopping can be more trouble than it’s worth, especially if it would be necessary for your to bring your kids along, which can become quite counterproductive to the goal of the trip all too easily.
Just a few years ago, many people were much more hesitant to order their groceries – especially their produce – online. In the years that have transpired since, the reliability of online grocery shopping has truly increased by quite the considerable margin, at least here in the United States. The use of new reefer trailers for sale by businesses all throughout the country can be a great way for even smaller sized businesses to meet the growing demand for freshly delivered groceries here in the year of 2018 and likely far beyond it as well.
But when anyone looks at new reefer trailers for sale, there are a number of things that will need to be kept in mind. First of all, it’s important to know that reefer trailers come in a number of all shapes and sizes. While the height of the average reefer trailer for sale will typically not exceed 13.5 feet at the very most, the length of new reefer trailers for sale and of course used reefer trailers for sale can actually vary quite a bit. At the very least, these reefer trailers currently on the market will measure 28 feet in length, and at the very most they might measure 52 feet in length, though they typically won’t really measure outside of these values, which already provide a good deal of variance among the reefer trailers in use here in the United States as well as all throughout the world on a larger scale.