Three Creative Wedding Gifts You Probably Didn’t Think Of

It’s wedding season, which means that for as many couples that are tying the knot, there are many more people scrambling to find the perfect wedding gift for the happy couple. These days finding a good wedding gift doesn’t just mean picking out a bread maker and calling it a day. A wedding gift is a special thing, and something you typically only have to give a couple once, so you should make it count. Here are three awesome ideas for wedding gifts for any couple.
1. Throw the Day After Wedding Brunch
A marathon of wedding festivities usually concludes with a wedding brunch for the couple, the wedding party, and the couple’s close family and friends. The average amount that couples spend on wedding brunches is right around $457, and typically either the groom’s or the bride’s family foots the bill. Coordinate with them if you want the brunch to be a surprise, but the couple may want to give their input.
2. The Best Ballroom Dancing Lessons
Another great wedding gift for a couple that many people don’t think about because you’d have to give it before the wedding day is dancing lessons. Of course this depends on the couple, but the best ballroom dancing lessons will help them deliver a great first dance with skill and confidence — who isn’t at least a little nervous about the prospect of a first dance?
3. A Couple’s Spa Day
Aside from a brunch or dancing lessons, one creative gift that most people don’t think of is a couple’s spa day. This is good for either before the wedding — so that the couple can be happily primped for their big day and for a nice relaxing respite before the festivities — or after. A spa day right before the honeymoon can set the tone for relaxation and help relieve some of the stress they’ve been feeling.
Do you have any awesome ideas for a great wedding gift? Feel free to share them with us in the comments section below!
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