Why You Should Spice Up Your Yummy Dinner Ideas With Hispanic Flair

Taco night just got upgraded. Here are some healthy meal ideas (and a flan recipe — gotta indulge a little) with authentic Hispanic flair to make your meals more fun and wholesome.
Desayuno (Breakfast)
Huevos Rancheros — This classic breakfast starts with eggs over a corn tortilla and topped with salsa. Tip: Most salsas are fat free and loaded with veggies. For an even better option, make your own salsa from fresh ingredients the night before. It can be used on lots of other dishes, too. Add rice or beans for something more filling.
Chorizo Scrambled Eggs — Exactly what it says. Garnish with cilantro for even more flavor. Chorizo is full of flavor and just a little goes a long way.
Almuerzo (Lunch)
If you’re heading out for lunch, keep an eye peeled for Latin markets. The Latin market is the biggest ethnic food market in the U.S. and will definitely have fresh, flavorful, and cheap options. If you pack lunch, try this:
Arroz con Pollo — Chicken and rice is boring no more. Just toss together rice, chopped chicken, and sauteed vegetables. Use saffron rice if you don’t have time to season or use brown rice and customize your flavor with a pinch each of salt, pepper, cumin, garlic powder, and cayenne pepper (more than a pinch of this if you like your food to bite back). This basic dish is easy to play with so that you have variety every time you eat it.
(Did You Know? Spain produces 75% of the world’s saffron. This spice is essential in many Spanish dishes but was actually first grown by farmers in Greece.)
No time for a break? Avocados are perfect for on-the-go. Just slice it in half and you can eat it with a spoon right out of your hand thanks to the stiff outer shell. This power food gives you almost 20 vitamins and minerals in just one serving and is good for blood pressure and eyesight.
Cena (Dinner)
Empanadas — Like calzones, these pastries are a meal all wrapped up in a neat package. Kids will love biting into the bread and getting a burst of flavor and you’ll love the easy way to sneak them — what else? — their serving of fresh vegetables. The best empanadas have a variety of flavors and can even be frozen to enjoy later (great if your workplace has a microwave).
Tamales — If you’re looking for more of a cooking challenge. Much like empanadas, tamales are stuffed pastries, except they’re boiled in leaf wrappers. The broth and leaves can be spiced to cook in more flavor or give you a nice spicy tamale recipe.
Ceviche — If you’re feel like experimenting, this fishy salad is served cold. Steamed shrimp easily substitutes in if raw fish turns your stomach, but marinating your meat well will give you a tangy summer meal with little work and lots of fresh food.
Postre (Dessert)
Flan — The most basic flan recipe is just sugar, eggs, milk, and vanilla. But when making flan recipe instructions can gloss over the fact that this custard can be made with all sorts of flavors: coconut, almond, cheese, berry, even spinach or fish! It’s all easy to make and easy to overindulge.