For the Love of Ice Cream


Gelato cup

Who doesn’t love ice cream or frozen yogurt? In fact 90% of American households enjoy a sweet, frozen treat on a regular basis. Sounds about right, because who can resist, really?

28.5 times. That’s how many times the average American will consume ice cream in one year. 28.5 times. That’s a lot of potential business and a lot of potential customers. Vanilla still ranks as the favorite for many people, but with such variety available in flavors and desert toppings, there’s something to please everyone.

Ice cream is so popular, that 9% of the milk produced by our wonderful dairy cows goes to making ice cream. That may not sound like much, but it comes out to a lot of ice cream. And most ice cream is made in the month of June. Fitting, since June is dairy month. In other words, enjoy the gift of ice cream year round.

While some people like their ice cream or frozen yogurt at home, others dine out for it. There were 2,582 frozen yogurt stores across the nation by the end of 2013. That’s a lot of yogurt, toppings, and supplies like frozen yogurt cups, custom cups, and tasting spoons.

At a time when 40% of Americans will eat ice cream in any two week period, the ice cream, frozen yogurt, and gelato industries are good places to be. Your biggest worries may be stocking enough desert cups and desert supplies on hand to keep you customers satisfied. But what a good problem to have.

Custom cups can give a different feel, a unique experience to a typical ice cream stop. Imagine eating that chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with an ice cream container covered in cookies or poetry or inspirational quotes. The ice cream itself will brighten your day, turn your frown upside down, or help celebrate a big win. But with an added surprise in the form of a custom cup, this simple ice cream stop could make your entire week brighter.

Consider adding custom cups to your ice cream supplies. Take that happy but mundane experience of getting ice cream to the next level with specialized supplies and individual ice cream cups. Just that something extra that may keep people coming back.

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