Good For Your Heart, Good For Your Skin The Countless Health Benefits Of Peanuts

Thinking of adding a few new foods to your diet? You’ll want to give peanuts a try, if you haven’t already.
Nuts are more than just tasty additions to your bowl of oatmeal. They’re nutritious and filled with vital minerals and vitamins to completely your day-to-day diet. Some studies have even shown interesting links between regular nut consumption and preventing the onset of long-term illnesses. Before you start labeling peanuts as a one-of-a-kind miracle food, take a glance at the list below. There are many creative and delicious ways to incorporate more nuts into your diet and reap the full list of mental and physical health benefits.
Read below to learn about the nutritional breakdown of peanuts, their different recipes and all the ways they can improve your life.
Did You Know?
What do you know about peanuts and their development over the decades as an irreplaceable part of the standard American diet? Global peanut production totals an impressive 30 million metric tons every year, making it one of the most circulated foods in human history. The four basic types of peanuts put up to market in various forms are Virginias, Spanish, Valencias and Runners. The vast majority of peanut butter, however, is made using Spanish peanut varieties.
Peanut Butter Is A Household Staple
You don’t have to look far to find a jar of peanut butter on someone’s shelf. It makes for a great sandwich, a topping or a quick pick-me-up. FDA regulations require peanut butter to contain at least 90% peanuts to be considered as such. It also takes around 550 peanuts to make a standard 12-ounce jar. Peanut butter comes in many different varieties, with the most popular being chunky, smooth and organic. To date there are no GMO peanuts on the market, with today’s peanut 99% similar to its distant ancestors.
Peanuts Are Incredibly Healthy
The staying power of peanuts is not just the flavor, but its positive impact on our health. The nutritional breakdown of peanuts is impressive for the nut’s small size. A single one-ounce serving of peanuts (as much as a handful) is considered an excellent source of protein, according to the Food And Drug Administration, providing as much as seven grams to your daily intake. The nutritional breakdown of peanuts doesn’t end there. A study across over 15,000 people who consumed peanuts regularly saw them showing much higher levels of vitamin A, vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, icon and dietary fiber than those who didn’t.
Peanuts Take On Many Forms
There are many ways to take part in the nutritional breakdown of peanuts. You can always eat them raw as a snack or break them up over a bowl of salad. You can add them into a bag of trail mix for your morning jog or keep a jar of peanut butter on hand at all times. Peanut calories are low enough to keep you well-suited to a lighter diet while still providing you a hearty amount of protein, iron, fiber, vitamin E and vitamin A. You can get creative and fry a turkey in peanut oil over the holidays or try out some peanut flour for your next recipe.
Adding More Peanuts Into Your Daily Diet
When you want to boost your health without hashing out too many details, the nutritional breakdown of peanuts will have you covered. The average American today eats more than six pounds of peanut products each year, whether it’s in the form of peanut oil for frying or a jar of peanut butter. Peanuts work as a high protein snack, a way to boost your heart health or an appetite suppressant that won’t deny you the calories you need to stay energized. For those that want to try out peanut oil? Make sure to store it in a tightly capped bottle away from both the heat and light to help it last longer.
Peanuts are a classic superfood. They’re delicious, good for your health and easy to incorporate in nearly any diet.